Intermediate Care Service (Nursing Home Services)

Intermediate Care Service (Nursing Home Services)

The Intermediate Care Service is an alternative health care intended to facilitate patients’ transition from illness to recovery or to facilitate transition from hospital to home, from medical dependence to functional independence.

Our team focuses on the therapeutic needs and creates individual rehabilitation plan to re-establish independence, quick recovery and safe return to their own homes. 

Nursing Home Services

Physical Therapy

• Our Physical Therapists work to improve our client’s mobility and body strength, in or out of the bed. Teaching transferring techniques, facilitate walking on the flat surface and using the stairs. Teaching wheelchair mobility whenever necessary. Build up or improving body strength, endurance, balance, and range of motion.


Occupational Therapy

• Occupational Therapists help clients to become self-sufficient by providing alternative ways to perform daily life tasks like making breakfast, getting dressed, or grooming.


Speech Therapy

• Speech Therapists help the clients improve their ability to communicate, especially those who have had a stroke or head injury from an accident. They improve oral motor skills for accurate speech production, and creating strategies for safe eating.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talking about your concerns and how we can help you.